FAQs on Ayurveda

Find answers to your questions regardingAyurveda concepts, disease understanding, treatments and Dos and Dont’s.

Literally Ayurveda is a combination of two words; Ayu means life and veda means knowledge, so Ayurveda means Knowledge of life.

Ayurveda is the oldest comprehensive system of medicine known to mankind. This was originated in India. This mainly focus on prevention and maintaining the health of a healthy person and also alleviating the disease.

Ayurveda is absolutely safe. Your day today food is also Ayurveda. Vegetables, Spices used in our food comes under Ayurvedic medicines. Example: Zinger is used as a medicine by name vishwa bheshajam, Mahaoushadhi,

Pepper as Maricha

Kanda as Soorana etc.

Don’t be in a notion that Ayurvedic medicines are synthesised in labs, indeed they are prepared with naturally occuring foods, and other herbs.

However some preparations have minerals in them which thoroughly purified and made into nano particles to suit our body.

Ayurveda is the oldest system of medicine. It has enormous experience in treating diseases. It is very dynamic and highly customised.

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If you already have the concept and design, you can request our free expert consultation and we’ll get back to you within one week. If you need tech advice, you can book a premium one-hour consultation.

We take care of your ownership rights! You have the right to the app we develop for your business needs. You also own the bespoke design solutions we create according to your mockups and instructions.

We normally provide this service of restoring broken source code repositories. However, since this is the most time-consuming and challenging process, we need to firstly look through your particular problem.

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If you already have the concept and design, you can request our free expert consultation and we’ll get back to you within one week. If you need tech advice, you can book a premium one-hour consultation.

We take care of your ownership rights! You have the right to the app we develop for your business needs. You also own the bespoke design solutions we create according to your mockups and instructions.

We normally provide this service of restoring broken source code repositories. However, since this is the most time-consuming and challenging process, we need to firstly look through your particular problem.