Speciality treatments

Sumeru Chikitsa

Sumeru Chikitsa

In Sanskrit “Su” means good and “Meru” means Spine. Set of treatments intended for the healthy spine are collectively called as Sumeru Chikitsa.

In achieving the health of spine, different classical panchakarma and kearala treatments, variety of oils, lepams, kizhis etc are advocated are required.

Depending upon the problem, unique nature of person, sex, season, age, ethnic group many changes are described in Ayurvedic classics.

A careful consultation, observation and detailed history of patient and disease are taken before customising treatment protocol.

Once the required data is collected and analysis of patient and disease is done then only treatment is executed by experienced therapist at Dhruva Ayurveda.

Leech Therapy

Leech therapy is one type of Raktamokshana. This is one of five panchakarma therapies as advocated by Acharya Sushruta for the first time in his treatise “Sushruta Samhita” and then described by Acharya Vagbhata in his great work ” Ashtanga Hridayam”.

In todays world, this treatment is approved by USFDA.

This is very safe and effective procedure in detoxifying a human being.

It is used in a variety of diseases like Diabetic ulcer

Varicose vains

Low back ache and other musculoskeletal disorders.

Leech Therapy
Sumeru Chikitsa


In Sanskrit “Su” means good and “Meru” means Spine. Set of treatments intended for the healthy spine are collectively called as Sumeru Chikitsa.

In achieving the health of spine, different classical panchakarma and kearala treatments, variety of oils, lepams, kizhis etc are advocated are required.

Depending upon the problem, unique nature of person, sex, season, age, ethnic group many changes are described in Ayurvedic classics.

A careful consultation, observation and detailed history of patient and disease are taken before customising treatment protocol.

Once the required data is collected and analysis of patient and disease is done then only treatment is executed by experienced therapist at Dhruva Ayurveda.


Very effective and highly successful treatment in treating Fistula-in-ano, piles and fissure in ano.

In many types of Ano rectal diseases this is a very good treatment.

Yoga posture

Yoga for better life

Yoga postures in fact help to strengthen the systems.

Different yogasanas are advised according to the specific need of patients.


Very effective and highly successful in treatments. Higher the availability of Oxygen gives scope to more combustion which results in more elimination of toxins.


Holistic health solutions…

Speciality, Authentic and comprehensive Ayurvedic treatments under the supervision of 2.5 decades experienced professor.